1972-044 | A | Northern Parula | 1 | 5/19/1972 | | Morongo Valley | SBE | | Female. (Incomplete database record entered from CBRC book.) |
1972-068 | A | Northern Parula | 1 | 7/25/1972 | | Waddell Creek | SCZ | | Male. (Incomplete database record entered from CBRC book.) |
1972-084 | A | Northern Parula | 1 | 9/19/1972 | 9/25/1972 | Pacific Grove | MTY | | Male. (Incomplete database record entered from CBRC book.) |
1973-057 | A | Northern Parula | 1 | 5/30/1973 | | Furnace Creek Ranch | INY | | Female. (Incomplete database record entered from CBRC book.) |
1974-020 | A | Northern Parula | 1 | 10/3/1973 | 10/7/1973 | Otay Mesa | SD | | Female. (Incomplete database record entered from CBRC book.) |
1974-036 | A | Northern Parula | 1 | 5/27/1973 | | Oasis | MNO | | Female. (Incomplete database record entered from CBRC book.) |
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